Larry "Fact Checker" Jacobs
Larry “Fact Checker” Jacobs challenged as my opinion studies
by the Congressional Research Service (click here to link to article)
and The Wall Street Journal (link) reporting that “(At) an annual average rate of 2.1% growth
since the end of the recession, (this is) the weakest pace of
any expansion since at least 1949.”
Forbes Magazine (link) had noted the same earlier (8/1/12), as had
Investor’s Business Daily (link)(12/31/15).
Mr. Jacobs, the Washington
Times (link) agrees with you that the stock market has done very well, although: “The
stock market closed down for 2015 reversing one of the few positive
accomplishments under the Barack Obama presidency. This has been a pretty
prosperous time for the top two percent. For most Americans though — not so much.
"A new report from Sentier
Research based on Census data finds that median household income of $56,700 at
the end of 2015 stood exactly where it was adjusted for inflation at the end of
Concerning the administration’s happy talk about unemployment at 5 percent: “What they forgot to tell you is that statistic doesn’t include those people who have given up looking for work, those people who are working part time. Add it all together and real unemployment is over 10 percent.” Senator Bernie Sanders (link).
Based on the Obama administration’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Democrat economic advisor and fund raiser Leo Hindery (link) says the real unemployment rate in America is 12.1 percent.
Mr. Jacobs, your fact checking remains abominable, as bad or worse than your refutation of my letter (ICO 4/25/14) where you claimed marijuana plants used less than a gallon of water a day, when experts agreed they consumed 6 to 15 gallons per day.
You still don't hold water.
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