Letters To A Smalltown Weekly

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Location: Gualala, California, United States

Alice and I love our life on the Northern California coast and welcome friends and family to enjoy it with us.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feminists are Clueless about Hillary


When I read that feminists are appalled that Hillary Clinton is being stomped by Obama, I realized how humorless and irony-challenged they are.

In the first instance, they bemoan how Obama’s charisma trumps Hillary’s accomplishments.

Borrowing shamelessly from an overflowing pile of clichéd responses, following the lead of Hillary and Obama, I say:

Hello? Since when is being married to Bill Clinton, and putting up with his philandering while he was governor and president, considered accomplishments?

You weren’t elected governor, he was.

You weren’t elected president, he was.

If you weren’t his wife, you would never have been elected senator from a state you never lived in, New York

What are your accomplishments, Hillary?

You had eight years while Bill was president, and almost eight years since, to be constantly in the public eye, and you’re whining about having your butt kicked by another Democrat whose resume is even thinner than yours?

Between the two of you your accomplishments can only politely be characterized as minuscule.

The only accomplishments either of you have are plans to spend a lot of taxpayers’ money for “universal” healthcare coverage, and neither of you has a plausible plan to pay for it.

In response to a question about what she would do to repair American international relations, Hillary responded that she would play the “Bill card,” and send her husband abroad to rebuild goodwill.

Way to assert yourself, Hillary.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Abundant Happiness


Typical of the Green movement, biofuels are the latest disaster created by their ignorant but spirited crusade to save the world one misguided step at a time.

Previously their attempts resulted in the abominations of ethanol, wind farms, biofuels, and increased dependency on foreign oil.

These efforts to find “Green” energy replacements all require huge taxpayer subsidies and increased environmental damage when compared to the continued use of conventional fuels.

How have the Greens damaged the environment?

Let me count the ways.

Biofuels and ethanol – recently I blogged that producing fuel from plants has driven up prices, for example, corn tortillas in Mexico. Further, demand for agriculture has increased dramatically at a time when water supplies world wide are already stressed out. It goes without saying, but I will have to say it anyway because of the abundant environmental ignorance of the Green intelligentsia, that abundant crop production requires abundant fertilizer use, which necessitates abundant fertilizer production.

Fertilizer production requires abundant natural gas consumption, and abundant water use to apply it. Then after a rain, the abundant fertilizer creates abundant run-off which then causes abundant algae growth, quickly removing the abundance of oxygen in the water, followed by abundant dead fish.

Is all this abundantly clear?

Happily, there’s more. Long-overdue life cycle studies just published in the journal Science indicated that substantially more greenhouse gases result from biofuels production than from conventional fuels. In fact, one study indicated it takes 93 years before savings from biofuels equal the greenhouse gases created at the beginning of their production.

Doubly happy, as wasteful and damaging to the environment as biofuels are, recent studies show climate change corresponds directly to solar variation, and not at all to carbon dioxide changes. Today’s low solar activity indicates global cooling will start soon.

Oh happy day!